Back surgery is not something that should be decided upon after just one office visit with one doctor. At Hunt Spine, our spine surgeons know how important it is for patients to be completely informed of all of their options for treating their chronic back pain.

Second Opinion
One doctor may recommend surgery, while another doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications, and yet another may recommend physical therapy. The important thing is that you feel confident in your doctor’s expertise and that you both feel comfortable that your treatment decision is best for you. Dr. Leonel Hunt, an orthopedic spine surgeon, and Dr. Gabriel Hunt, a neurosurgeon, are among the top spine specialists in California.
Their focus on comprehensive diagnosis and effective treatment guides them toward the optimum solution for their patients, not an automatic referral for surgery. When patients can truly benefit from alternative back pain treatments, these are always recommended by the Hunt doctors. Call (310) 423-9834 to get a second opinion on your back pain treatment options.